The Chalk Hits the Fan


Report cards came home a couple of weeks ago. And some concerns have been surfacing since Rose began first grade that really solidified in the report card. Basically, we need to be doing a lot more work at home with our beautiful child.

Unfortunately, with Rose being on the gymnastics team she wasn’t getting home until after 8pm three nights a week, and her bedtime is at 7:30, so we really weren’t able to squeeze in any reading or math practice on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. She was at the gym more than 10 hours per week (not including meets or performances on weekends). The hard decision was to take a break from the gym for the rest of the school year.

And while I am not happy that we had to go that route, Rose took it really well. I really tried to present it as something we were going to do – spend more time together and read every night – rather than a punishment where we were taking away something she really enjoyed because of school. Since we all know how well that works to engage a kid in their education.

Of course, last night she was doing her floor routine in the living room (as she is prone to do if she hasn’t gone to the gym in a few days) and she asked “Shouldn’t I be at the gym tonight, Mom? It’s Wednesday.” And I had to remind her that we were taking a break, but it occurred to me that the reason she took it really well is because time can be really amorphous for Rose, and I am not sure now that she really understood what the implications of “taking a break from gymnastics until the summer” meant.

Her teacher asked if she could just cut back the hours or whatever, but really if she came home earlier from practice we’d just feed her and try to get her into bed on time. And she wouldn’t really be practicing enough to be on the team, or do well, and those are the things that matter most to her. She really likes her teammates and friends. I think, ultimately, that taking a break and starting back will be easier on her in the long run, because once she catches up with school I think it will all click into place and she’ll be on track and able to handle school night activities.

But in the short term it kind of hurts my feelings to see her working on her routine in the living room, knowing that she misses the gym.


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