Archive for July, 2006



Once in a while we may post pictures of our beautiful children.  These posts will be password-protected so we're not sharing them with any crazy out there on the web.

It is easy to get a password.  Just email me or Charles and we will give you one (if you aren't crazy)!  We'll try to keep the password the same, you can share it with any non-crazies who might want it, etc. 

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Protected: Rose (email for the password)


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Site updated


So, I've switched this site over from Textpattern to WordPress, because the former sucks, and the latter is familiar to me. What this means for all of you is:

The posting interface is better, as well, so you may see more posts. So, there ya go… if you missed the links to the RSS Feeds:

Thirty dresses


Just want to send a shout out to Charama for having the best-dressed three-year-old ever and for sending me all of Monica’s old clothes (old is somewhat of an exaggeration as many still had the tags on…) for Rose! Can I just tell you how teeny pink mary janes just make my heart swell?

Anyone who needs a fix of all things pretty and pink can come take a look in Rose’s closet… I keep peeking in there because I just can’t get enough of the tiny little dresses and matching hats and shoes.

I did have to buy her new pajamas with soccer balls on them, though.