Archive for July, 2006

Shots, shots, and more shots!


Thank goodness it no longer takes four nurses to hold me down for an immunization. Oh yeah, I was a hellion as a kid in the doctor's office… I occasionally get weak knees when D gives me "vaccinations" with his toy syringe, and nurses always ask me if I am okay after having blood drawn (because apparently I don't look so hot), so the list of the vaccinations I need to go to Ethiopia makes me a little queasy.

But insurance companies strike again, in that apparently it is a "luxury" to travel to Ethiopia, so they shouldn't cover the ten or so shots (to the tune of $600-800 for Charles and me to both get them, depending on if we go for the 'optionals' like Tetnus and Yellow Fever). I was told that by the travel nurse, anyway… I have to do some follow up, which is always incredibly frustrating. It just makes me laugh that they call it a "luxury" to travel to a place where you have to bring your own plastic sheets because of the bedbugs, and doctors prescribe you lice medication and anti-diarrea meds to bring with you. The adoption forum suggests bringing one of those Raid outdoor "foggers" and spraying your room with it. This isn't the Bellagio in Vegas, baby…