Rose told me this morning at the breakfast table, “I was making a song about my life and one part was ‘when I was nine I got my ears pierced on January 21.’ And then I wanted to write a part about the Christmas puppy and how we got Ada on November 27. Didn’t we have a party Wednesday night?”
“This Wednesday night?” I asked, confused.
“No. The day before Thanksgiving. The day you brought Ada home and then went to work and Dillon and I got to play with the new puppy.”
“Oh, that party! The Flaming Archbishop. Yes, we always go to a party the night before Thanksgiving,” I said. “So what else is in the song of your life?”
“The popcorn party when I was three. Also that I did racks and tubes when I was 7, 8, and 9. That was so fun. And the chalkboard. I never got a lesson from Ms. Diana about the tone bars though and now I am at a different school and they don’t have tone bars.”
I can’t wait to hear this song.