Good News and…


WE GOT OUR TRAVEL DATE!  Leaving July 29th.  Nineteen days to pick up Rose!

Less good news-airfare is significantly (thousands) more than it was just a few months ago.  So, its a bit of an unanticipated expense, on the same day we just shelled out big money for our first round of shots (more Monday), but I know it will all be worth it when we have Rose home on August 5th.

Current dilemma- it's quite a bit cheaper to stay longer and fly Lufthansa through Germany than fly direct from the U.S. via Ethiopian Air.  But we don't really want to stay longer than we have to because its that much longer Dillon will be here without us, also it would mean moving from the Care Center (since we're actually staying at the orphanage where Rose is) because you can only stay there a week.  

But we have to book-flight availability is dwindling as we speak… 

4 Responses to “Good News and…”

  1. Rachel says:

    Do you guys have time to maybe organize a fundraiser? Or have someone else organize it for you? Really just a get-together and people can give you money? Or, I’ve heard about some banks that have these accounts that anyone can put money into but only the account holders can withdraw from. You could try that and then just send an email to everyone you know. Even if you can only raise $1000-$1500, it’s still something…

  2. Belle says:

    I’m so excited for your family! Just can’t believe how fast it’s all happnening! Tons of love for you all!

  3. Molly says:

    Yeah, a couple of friends had brought this up when we started the process, but I don’t think Chuck or I are really comfortable asking folks. I mean, I will beat your door down to have you donate to American Cancer Society or Fair Wisconsin, but it’s different, and kind of wierd to ask people for our benefit. Thanks for the thought, though!

  4. Cheri says:

    There’s always prostitution. I’m sure Chuck could bring in a couple bucks. If he worked for a few days. Hmmm, maybe there’s just not enough time for that…

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