So last night the family went with some friends to the new Ethiopian Cottage Restaurant (across from Pizza Shuttle on Farwell Ave.) and it was great. The owner came over several times during the evening to see how we were doing, it just opened two weeks ago so it wasn't super-busy, but the food was fabulous, they do traditional style or serve on tables, etc. We got a big vegetarian sampler platter, Rose tore up the lentils and injeera (her favorite).
But after we leave I ask Dillon if he liked the restaurant and he says that he LOVED it (despite the fact that he only ate injeera all night long) and totally unprompted said, "That girl was SO beautiful". He was in love with our server (who was, in fact, beautiful, Charles was totally trying to get her phone number too). But I just thought that was funny because Dillon isn't one to necessarily notice that sort of thing.
Though he did tell me a couple of days ago that he thought a girl in his class was cool because she has a different hairstyle EVERY DAY! [his emphasis]