Real Boy


Yesterday after school, Dillon, Rose and I stopped at the neighborhood greenhouse and got a couple of herbs and some strawberry plants to put in the garden.  We spent the whole afternoon in the yard, after we planted our new items I started pulling dandelions (a thankless and neverending task!) and the kids just ran around playing.  Dillon is such a little boy now.  It amazes me every day.  But yesterday it occurred to me even more so as he literally picked up and played with every bug we saw outside.  

"Look!  A big earthworm!" 

"Look!  A rolly-poly bug!"

"Mom!  I found a tiny white worm!"   "A Caterpillar!"  "A green worm!"  "A spider!"  "Ants!"

Each of these were brought to me for my inspection.  All I could think was that my kid was going to get some kind of weird insect-born disease.  But I kept my cool and just appreciated each new specimen.  Eventually a pet worm was found and a suitable habitat created.  Charles suggested a 'don't pick up anything with more than six legs' rule…  I am not sure, though.

On another note, please send good thoughts to two sets of friends traveling overseas this week to pick up their newly adopted children, from Ethiopia and China.  Dillon and Rose will soon have three new little girls to play with!

One Response to “Real Boy”

  1. pattio says:

    Aha! I’m looking to hire a 5 yr old boy to come to margaretville this summer and help diminish the infestation of nightcrawlers in my garden and the woods (there is a plague of them). He can set up a stand by the reservoir and sell them to fishermen or feed them to the neighbor’s frogs.
    No papers required. Room and board provided.


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