Archive for November, 2007

Grocery Store


So, my kids are TOTAL backseat drivers.  When I turned a different way coming home today, Rose asked, "Mom, where are we going?" 

I told her we were going to stop at the grocery store and Dillon says, "I am pretty sure the only grocery store around here is Trader Joe's."  I confirm that yes, this is where we'll be stopping.  He asks, "Do we LIKE Trader Joe's, mom?"  Good question, but it is convenient and I want to do one of those in-and-out trips, so I say, "I think we like them.  Why wouldn't we?"  And he reminds me of Thanksgiving, when Charles, Anna and I cracked each other up by pointing out how garbage T.J.'s guacamole was.  But then, ever the diplomat, he says that maybe their other stuff is good and Thanksgiving was just a bad day for them.

I quickly regret stopping there, though, as they are seriously packed, and the shopping trip degrades into Rose repeatedly asking for a croissant (which TJ doesn't seem to have today) and Dillon begging for "Jelly Belly Sours."  I tell him to ask Santa, as he still has his Halloween candy, and also I have never bought him non-holiday candy before in his life and I don't intend to start now.  The guy behind us in line finds this funny, but probably not so much when D continues to ask every 20 seconds until we leave…  Ah well.  I really should know better than to stop at the grocery store on Friday night.



A friend of mine is graduating from law school and just sort of plopped me into a little crisis of "what am I doing with my life?"  We left our last job at pretty much the same time and I haven't progressed too much from where I was.  My family's grown (and improved with the addition of Rose) but career-wise not so much.

So I am thinking about applying to a Master's program that begins in January.  I've been thinking about doing it forever but it just never seems to be an ideal time.  And now I'm wondering if there will EVER be an ideal time, or if it's just like having kids and you have to suck it up and deal with what comes, as there is never a great time to totally interrupt the flow of your life. 

Birthday Week


Rose had a great birthday week.  Today's her birthday proper, but the party was Saturday at the gym at which she takes gymnastics.  She loved the party, and the coaches did a really great job, I'd highly recommend them as a party venue and it may turn into Rose's party tradition.  D's party is easier to host at home since his birthday is in August, and except for this past year, there's always been beautiful weather for an outdoor party.  

Lots of friends came to the party, and Rose really had a wonderful time, even walking on the high balance beam which she's been a little worried about since she fell off a month or so ago.  Nana Joyce made an amazing birthday cake, with little "Bratz Babiez" Gymnasts flipping on a fondant balance beam… 

At school today she got to share a book with her classroom, and I bought croissants for her after-school class at COA.  The teachers appreciated the sugar-free choice, though it was entirely Rose's plan and I can't really take credit.  They are her favorite.  After school we hung out with Anna, who was home since she threw her back out doing gymnastics.  Overall it was a pretty fun day, though it would have been better if I hadn't had to work, and go to a PTO meeting at the kids' school.

To celebrate Rose's birth today makes me think a lot about her birth family and wonder about things I'll never know.  She is a fabulous little girl, and I hope we're doing credit to the people who brought her into the world.   

Rose & The TV


Rose was home sick Monday and Tuesday this week.  She is feeling better now, but she spent a lot of time on the couch those two days, watching tv and fighting her fever and illness.

We watched one show on Monday, Super WHY , about some kind of reading superheroes.  It was cute, geared towards a younger audience than Between the Lions, which is one of my favorite kids' shows.  But Super WHY is one of those Dora the Explorer-type call and response shows.  Charles hates these shows as he doesn't think kids should talk to the television.  I, on the other hand, feel that any practice Rose gets with her words is useful and needed.

But all of the super friends on the show introduce themselves to the viewer, and then they say, "what's your name?" And Rose says, "Princess!"  Apparently she chose herself an alias.