Today was a crazy day and I just don’t have the super-creative feeling. So I am taking credit for the three hours I spent in the beauty salon with Rose getting her cool new hairdo:
For what it is worth, the stylist said that I was the coolest mom ever since I was letting Rose get permanent pink stripes in her hair. Basically, though, I just let Rose be the creative one. It was her idea, I just paid for it. And, I guess, helped her secure permission from her dad for the procedure. Other than that we had a day of running around to soccer games, birthday parties, and family dinner. I finished up the herb garden though:
And I laid out the end-of-the-year program for the ‘bridging ceremony’ for my Daisy Scouts that are becoming Brownie Scouts tomorrow. Not the most creative day, but I’ll try harder tomorrow. I am going to be helping a friend make 20 yellow flags.
Tags: 30daysofcreativity, postaweek2011