Long time, no post… I had been doing SO well with the postaweek challenge and then all of a sudden, the wheels totally fell off the wagon. I am going to try another challenge now: Thirty Days of Creativity. Basically, trying to create stuff (anything) for thirty days in June. And I’ll try to blog about it here. I know what you are thinking, “right, Molly, you can’t manage to post every week so you immediately up the ante to try to post EVERY DAY in June?” Well, I am sure as heck going to try.
No idea what I am going to create every day in June, so for today I am going to count this blog post and try to figure it all out tomorrow. I have a number of creative projects I have been working on: a Halloween costume for a friend, an herb garden, a vegetable garden, a couple of websites, a few random sewing projects, etc. Maybe I can take some time in June to do some of the things I really enjoy doing but never seem to have the time to spend on them. Maybe I will learn how to cook tortilla soup. That counts, right? Creativity you can eat… yum.
Tags: 30daysofcreativity, postaweek2011