Archive for the ‘hope for the future’ Category

Pirate Ship


We built the kids a pirate ship playstructure in the backyard in the summer of 2007.  At D’s pirate birthday party that year it looked like this:

(It had removable fabric sides made largely from bedsheets and other repurposed material, held on with velcro.  These had portholes, appliqued waves along the bow, etc.)  The kids LOVED it.  Of course, back then, my kids looked like this:

(Pink and blue pirates in the middle, of course.  They were working on decoding a treasure map at the birthday party that year…)

Unfortunately, during my annual post-winter safety inspection of the ship this year, I realized it wasn’t totally structurally sound anymore (the giant hole in the plywood we used as decking was my first clue) and banned the kids from the ship.  So they’ve been on me to fix it.  Charles and I decided to start by removing the plywood, and here’s what we found:

Apparently, a bunch of the crosspieces and some of the framing boards had rotted as well.  Our aversion to using chemically-treated decking material came back to bite us.  The vertical pieces are sound, however, so we may just start over, and add on some features appropriate to larger kids (monkey bars, rock wall, etc).  The plans have yet to be drawn up, but we’ll be looking for some inspiration and trying to move on this quickly.  In the meantime, here’s how our ship looks.  It makes me kind of sad:

It is strictly off-limits for the kids, and they are kind of sad about that too, so we’ll have to move quickly on this!  And yes, that is our neighbor’s really spendy and fancy playstructure that you can see through the trees…  so what?

Kind of cheating


Today was a crazy day and I just don’t have the super-creative feeling.  So I am taking credit for the three hours I spent in the beauty salon with Rose getting her cool new hairdo:

For what it is worth, the stylist said that I was the coolest mom ever since I was letting Rose get permanent pink stripes in her hair.  Basically, though, I just let Rose be the creative one.  It was her idea, I just paid for it.  And, I guess, helped her secure permission from her dad for the procedure.  Other than that we had a day of running around to soccer games, birthday parties, and family dinner.  I finished up the herb garden though:

And I laid out the end-of-the-year program for the ‘bridging ceremony’ for my Daisy Scouts that are becoming Brownie Scouts tomorrow.  Not the most creative day, but I’ll try harder tomorrow.  I am going to be helping a friend make 20 yellow flags.

District Wide Science Fair


So Dillon got to take his project to the MPS District Wide Science fair, which was held at the zoo at the end of March. It was pretty fun, I chaperoned. There were five projects chosen from each school to move forward, and at Maryland this meant that it was fourth, fifth, and sixth graders competing.  So I was pretty proud of D for making the cut, though his BFF also made it from the fourth grade class…

So part of my chaperoning duties involved driving D and two girls to the zoo for the judging, after which we got to hang out at the zoo for a bit, then return to the fair for the awards ceremony.   The two girls I drove were sixth graders and both D and I were silently wondering what the heck we were going to talk to two sixth grade girls about when Dillon asked if he could DJ in the car.  My car has an audio input and a really long cable, so the person in the backseat can play with my iPod while it is plugged in (it is a safety feature, I am sure, so that the driver isn’t messing with it).  Dillon does this a lot, and is developing an eclectic sense of the kind of music he enjoys.  His favorite songs are (not necessarily in this order as it changes every couple of days): Defying Gravity from the musical Wicked; War Pigs performed by Cake though written by Led Zepplin; Walk like an Egyptian by the Bangles; Rockstar by Smashmouth; and Bang Bang by Kaanan.

So he played all those songs and more on the way to the zoo from the school.  We were stuck in the horrible I-94 construction traffic, but he kept rockin’ it.  I had to veto a Jay-Z song due to inappropriate content (it happens occasionally, but I thought that I’d better be especially safe seeing as there were strange kids in my car).  Generally I just know where the naughty words and cough strategically in the same spot every time.  My kids probably think Estelle & Kanye’s American Boy has a cough in the track – “reluctantly, ’cause most of this press don’t [COUGH] with me.”  So I vetoed a couple but for the most part D was fully in control of the iPod.

And when we got to the zoo the girls were overheard saying to one of the other Maryland kids, “Dillon played a lot of cool music but I had no idea what it was.”

So I was pretty proud of that too.  Totally cut the sting out of him not placing in the district wide fair.  But that gives him a goal for next year.



Dillon feeding Rocco

Dillon loves him some babies.   Pretty much since he was a little guy himself, if he saw a baby he had to play with it or sing it a song or something.  I feel that he gets this behavior directly from his grandpa Tim, who some call “the baby whisperer,” and who also displays strange behaviors around babies.  I remember being mortified as a teenager that my dad was playing peek-a-boo with some stranger’s baby in the line behind us in McDonald’s.   (I don’t know what dates that sentence more – that I was a teenager or that my parents used to go to McDonald’s…)

Anyway, today at Family Dinner, D was playing with the twins.  And he told me very solemnly, “I really appreciate how Rocco is in his own little world.  He’s really thoughtful.”  I am sure this says more about Dillon than about Rocco at this point, but I found it adorable.

Of course, later he told me that he was pretty sure Henry was going to be a magician when he grows up.  Who knows, the kid might have some insight into some aspect of baby psychology that the rest of us haven’t keyed into yet…