Archive for the ‘hope for the future’ Category

My kids are giants!


So, I had to measure my kiddos’ height yesterday. And, I mean, I see them all the time so it wasn’t completely news to me that they are tall. But, Dillon is 4′ 8″ at nine years old. Rose is 4′ 2″ at seven.  You can get 200 pages of CDC growth charts as a PDF here, but basically, they are both at/above the 90th percentile.

And, if they remain statistically on course, I will be the shortest person in my family by 2015, when Rose turns eleven and will exceed 5’4.”  That is what the CDC predicts, anyway…

Goodbye, 2010.


So, I don’t know if it is just my small circle of people but 2010 seemed like it was a terrible year.   Like, TERRIBLE.  Really.   A small, informal, and not statistically valid or reliable survey of my family, friends, and acquaintances suggests it may have been the worst year ever.  Maybe not for large-scale tragic events (though there were plenty of those). But plenty horrible on an individual level.

I was pretty happy to say goodbye to 2010, and I hope that 2011 will bring better things.  To my family and yours.

Hanging out with Rose


So, yesterday the kids had a dentist appointment, and while Rose and I were waiting for Dillon, we had a nice chat.

Rose: I can’t wait to be a grown up mommy.
Me: And do you think you’ll have a son or a daughter?
Rose: A girl, and I will name her California.
Me: Nice.
Rose: And a puppy.
Me: And what will your puppy’s name be?
Rose: Rocky.
Me: And where will you live?
Rose: At home, with you and Dillon and the dogs.
Me: That will be fun. And what will you be?
Rose: BE?
Me: Like, you know, what kind of job will you have?
Rose: I don’t know. What do you think?
Me: Well, you could be a doctor. That’s a good job.
Rose: Well, I’d have to be a doctor and a mommy.
Me: Sounds good to me…



I was teasing D about getting coal in his stocking this Christmas and he didn’t much love the idea. He was guessing there would be some candy canes and stuff. And then he said, “Even a box would be fine.”

I asked, “What?” confused, thinking maybe he switched topics on me.

He said, “In my Christmas stocking. There are a lot of things I could do with an empty box.” And then he proceeded to tell me a lot of the things he could do with a shoebox.