Posts Tagged ‘postaweek2011’

Fairies and light switches


Charles made Rose’s week by helping her install a Tinkerbell light switch cover in her room.  This doesn’t sound like that big of an issue, but when we moved into the house we changed the ancient, polluted light switches into the wide, flat ones that don’t actually accommodate a Tinkerbell switch cover.  So, you know, it is slightly more complicated than pulling the old one off and putting the new one on.

Rose was a great helper, letting her dad know when he turned the power to her room off, and then handing appropriate screwdrivers and other implements of torture.  Quite the little tinker-er.

For those of you that are unfamiliar with the Tinkerbell reboot, she’s basically a fairy who invents and builds stuff.  Not the worst Disney role model to have.  And Rose LOVES the new movies, and is pretty much obsessed with them.  She was Tinkerbell for Halloween.  I tried to talk her into going as Iridessa, Tinkerbell’s (are fairies African-American?) friend, but Rose just wasn’t interested.  She had her heart set on Tinkerbell.  I got her Iridessa for Christmas anyway, which Rose seemed to think was better than nothing.  Of course, she prefers Silvermist, the (Asian?) one that her aunts got her for Christmas, who is voiced by Lucy Liu in the movie.  I don’t know if it is a racial issue or the fact that Silvermist’s wings light up and she makes these chiming sounds when you push her bellybutton.

But Rose got a real kick out of helping her dad with a project.  Usually D and Charles do those kinds of activities (often as a result of Dillon’s homework requirements) and I think it made her feel like a big kid.  We’ll have to do more of that stuff with her – I often forget she’s a really capable kid.  She is a great helper for all my projects, but those have lately tended towards cooking and holiday stuff.  I did make a point of letting her watch me put the toaster back together the other day after I pulled it apart to clean it, just so she knows I am (almost) as capable as Charles with this stuff.

There was a notable exception the other day: when it comes to picking out a soldering iron.  Charles sends me to the store saying “they are all the same, you really can’t go wrong” and there are ten different sizes and prices, so I basically am choosing the most expensive one when a nice hardware store patron asks me, “what are you soldering?”  And I tell him it is for a science project we’re doing with Dillon and he’s points me down a couple of sizes and price ranges and says “the one you’ve got is for something the size of jumper cables, these smaller ones are probably better for science projects…”

Goodbye, 2010.


So, I don’t know if it is just my small circle of people but 2010 seemed like it was a terrible year.   Like, TERRIBLE.  Really.   A small, informal, and not statistically valid or reliable survey of my family, friends, and acquaintances suggests it may have been the worst year ever.  Maybe not for large-scale tragic events (though there were plenty of those). But plenty horrible on an individual level.

I was pretty happy to say goodbye to 2010, and I hope that 2011 will bring better things.  To my family and yours.

Blah Blah Blag


So, my husband said that if I couldn’t come up with something to write about weekly, I should “DO MORE!!! Be a better, more interesting person!”  If that sounds harsh, you must not have ever met my husband or read his buzz to me on the subject.

I feel like I do a lot.  Though I don’t always have things to write about, and I am feeling more limited than ever on that front.  I’ve been thinking a lot about this whole internet fad.  When I started this blog five (FIVE??) years ago, the whole face of the intertubes was different.  Things were less connected.  I wasn’t super concerned about people finding my blog in the sea of content (though Charles always was, hence no pictures of the kids really appear here).  And I guess I still don’t really care about potential employers or my insurance company or whatever finding content on my blog and affecting their perception of me.  I feel like I represent myself pretty honestly in person and via this vehicle here.

However, as D reaches the age where he browses the internet himself, and his friends are more likely to do so, I worry a bit about the online presence I am creating for him and for Rose.  I have been telling their stories, not particularly sure that anyone was listening, and as much for my own enjoyment and to preserve these memories that crack me up or bring nostalgic tears to my eyes.  Life with kids passes so quickly, and it may sound trite, but there are so many moments that I just want to press into a scrapbook the minute they occur.  Way too many times, I forget the specific thing that they said that made me laugh or whatever before I make it to my computer to write them down, and they are lost forever.  I actually printed all my early blog posts into a book, and published them so that I’d have them in the off chance an EMP destroys the webernets or the machines rise or something.

But, I’ve been wondering if it is really fair to the kids for me to put their stories out there in this way.  Is some kid going to Google Dillon in sixth grade and discover an embarrassing story about how D’s reading outpaces his pronunciation, so I am constantly realizing that he’s using a word (perilous) and pronouncing it (per-ILL-us) in a new way?  Or my worries about the political and social implications of giving Rose a short haircut?  [Disclosure: Not sure I ever wrote those blog posts, but you get the idea.]

Anyway.  Just something I’ve been thinking about.  Maybe it isn’t that I am not an interesting person, maybe my blog is changing.  And it has, over the past five years, morphed from a way to communicate with the family about an adoption in progress to random thoughts about being a mom and experiences with my kids.  Not sure where I’ll go from here, and probably wont stop posting about my kids entirely, but I think I am a pretty decent person.  But I am happy to take ideas from anyone who might read this on how I could be a more interesting person.