

A friend needed some help turning a few yards of fabric into twenty or so flags.  She brought it over after dinner tonight, and so far I’ve only finished four of them.  My least favorite part is cutting (I hate trying to make right angles – I almost always cut fabric crooked).  But I dug out my fabric cutting board and rotary cutter, which is the right tool for the job:

rotary cutter and board


I did the two big flags first, which is always the best-practice when it comes to cutting fabric or wood or whatever you’ve got, probably.

large flag


And then two little ones.  I am going to drop off my proofs of concept to my friend in the morning and she can decide if the sizes are appropriate.  I didn’t realize that the official flag ratio is 10:19, which really seems too long to me, but that is what I am working from at this point.

small flag

Anyway, that’s six days of creativity in a row!  Not too shabby!  (Tomorrow is probably going to be more flags, though…)

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