So it’s Sunday and we have a big day of cleaning ahead of us. Thursday we have a home visit scheduled with our social worker. They have said a couple of times not to go ballistic with the cleaning and everything, but I really don’t see how you couldn’t. Someone’s going to be looking at our house to determine if we are fit to be adoptive parents. It just puts you in a weird place, even though we’ve me with our social worker before, she’s very nice, and we had a fun time talking during the first phase of the interview.
Of course, Chuck can be a real chatty Charlie and goes off on these weird tangents (I am sure that’s really hard to believe)… Mostly about how cool Dillon is. But we didn’t even get through the first set of questions. This time she has questions for Dillon, too, so that should be interesting as well.
Better get started on my to do list, though, and stop procrastinating.