Midsummer Night's Dream


So, Dillon and I went to the Lion King Broadway Show last night and we loved it.  Charles and I had seen it in Chicago, and I knew D would like it, so we had a mom and son date and went together.  It may have been the first time just he and I had done something special since Rose had joined our family.  

He was perusing the program before the show and happened across a Milwaukee Ballet ad for "Midsummer Night's Dream" and he asked me about it. 

I explained that the Ballet was people telling a story only by dancing, and not really using words, and he asked me specifically about the people in the picture.  I said that Puck touched Titania's eyes with a flower, which made her fall in love.  He asked who the other guy in the picture was, and I said it might be Bottom the tailor, as he seemed to be the object of Titania's affection.   

And he said, "Mom, you are wrong, Bottom has a donkey head."

You think you can put one over on a kid who, at six, probably hasn't read Shakespeare, but apparently not. 

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