We’re trying to toughen up Dillon a bit. It occurs to me that perhaps a kid shouldn’t get super-offended and tear up at a professional soccer game because some rabble-rousing fans are holding up signs that says “the Wave sucks.” (He turned to his grandpa and said, “That is just SO inappropriate!”)
Don’t get me wrong, I love that he is a sweet, sensitive kid. But he’ll be entering 6th grade (maybe at a new school next year) and probably he should be able to handle unsportsmanlike behavior and just let it roll off, you know?
So what is my strategy for this, you ask? [Drumroll….]  I am making him watch movies.
We don’t watch a lot of TV as a rule, no screens on school nights pretty much ever, unless you need to type up some homework or something. And when D does have screen time, he’d rather play a videogame than watch a movie. But I am forcing the issue a little (in a very nice way), and so we’ve watched Ghostbusters, Goonies, Star Wars: ANH (that’s Episode 4 if you don’t know), and Lord of the Rings: Fellowship and the first disk of Twin Towers (it’s the 3+hour director’s cut, so we had to stop midway through because it just got too late). Basically, we’re nerding it up by watching all my favorite movies.
I’ll let you know if he learns the important life lessons from Han Solo and Gandalf and Mikey and Egon. In the meantime, it’s just pretty fun to watch these again with my kid.