Archive for the ‘hope for the future’ Category

Science Fair


Being a mom can be pretty darn hard work.  Yesterday, I spent pretty much the entire day (less working six hours) receiving and counting and accounting for girl scout cookie money.  Today, as soon as I got off work, Dillon and I started work on his Science Fair project display.

Thanks to a set of weekly deadlines from his awesome teacher, we didn’t have a lot to do, just assemble the final display board.  I was glad to see that he was taking it very seriously, being as type-A as I tend to be about trying to line everything up properly.  We laid everything out on the board in the required format for projects, and adjusted, and adjusted again.  Then a dog ran across it and we had to adjust one more time before we glued everything down.  Doh.  Here is his final effort, though:

Vampire Power Project

At one point, I had a bit of a flashback to when he was a little guy who didn’t particularly like to fingerpaint.  He inadvertently grabbed the cold, gluey part of the paper when he was going to affix a title, and dropped it immediately.  He told me, “Some people might not have been born with the reflex to drop something cold and wet and gross when they pick it up.  That is not me.”

He’s pretty much always been a kid who didn’t really like to be wet and dirty.  Which I am generally okay with, but I still like to fingerpaint.



When we traveled to Ethiopia to adopt Rose, I thought about the decision we made not to bring Dillon with us, and I know that was absolutely the right decision for many reasons.  But while we were there, I thought about when I would want to bring the kids back to Ethiopia, because there was a thirteen-year-old adoptee in the group we traveled with when we adopted Rose.  And in my mind and heart, I have felt like the appropriate time to go would be when Rose was 9 or 10.

So that is two or three years from now.  Really, right around the corner when you think about it.  Time to start saving, researching, and thinking about what we would want to do.  I am thinking a two-week trip with a week in Italy and a week in Ethiopia (most flights have to stop in Rome anyway, and it would give a nice break on the way out or back rather than the 30-hour stretch of travel we did both ways last time).   Also, then we could see a little of my heritage.

So think about if you want to join us for the Ethiopian Tour during the summer of 2014.  And let me know.  Italian or Amharic speakers very welcome.

For a great article about visiting a birth country, check out Adoptive Families’ Complete Guide to Heritage Travel.

Lesson in democracy


Took the kids to Madison on Saturday to stand in support of their teachers and the other Wisconsinites that will be affected by the governor’s recent proposal to take away the right to bargain.

It was a pretty amazing event.  The kids were great in the car, we listened to a book the whole way there, found parking right away because we got there pretty early, and made our signs in the parking lot.  Here’s what the kids chose to do.    It wasn’t as creative as some of the amazing signs out there, but it was certainly heartfelt!

Stand with our teacherWe parked on the E. Washington side of the Capitol and started to walk around to the State St. side, but immediately got waylaid by some organizers, who wanted the kids to stand behind a teabagger who was being interviewed by CNN.  So they did, and were right in front (though I was told by someone who found the footage that they mostly obscured by the interviewee and you could really only see a bit of their sign).

So then we walked along to join the rest of the 40,000+ people that were there, and amazingly managed to find my parents and Mary Ann right away, my mom called my phone to figure out where we were and then I realized I was fifteen feet away, looking right at her.  I kept saying, “mom, we’re right here, I see you, hang up,” but in a crowd that big it takes a moment for that kind of randomness to register.   So we had five adults and two kids, which wound up being a perfect ratio in a crowd that big.  We listened to the rally outside for a while and then the kids wanted to go inside to warm up.

It was a little easier to hear and participate inside the Capitol rotunda, we went up to the second floor and got a great view of the crowds.  It was a really lovely environment, where people were very positive and friendly.  At many occasions on Friday, people reminded us that we were keeping it peaceful (the teabaggers were rallying there at noon and there were some concerns about conflict, though by all accounts those concerns were pretty unfounded).  In fact, a guy just walked up to me and gave me a king size reeses peanut butter cups.  And I ate them – candy from a stranger…  perhaps not the best lesson for my kids, but I didn’t share that one.

After the rally outside finished up, people just started marching around the Capitol square, and the square was filled with a uninterrupted flow of people packed, carrying signs and chanting.  The kids got pretty into the call and responses, especially “Tell me what democracy looks like!  THIS is what democracy looks like!”  (Imagine it with a drum line, it was pretty sweet.)

There were very few opposition people there.  I’ve heard 1,000 but I would be surprised if that were true.  There were a few really offensive signs, and I had the urge to quick draft response signs but I felt like the better time for that would be when my kids weren’t with me.  One teabagger got in my face a bit when I sort of separated from the crowd to try to call my friend Nicole who had ridden with me and split off to look for another friend.  But his argument was nonsensical and he reminded me of seriously mentally disturbed people, so I just told him I was very sorry for his troubles (because he had to move out of state because he used to teach at a school which was non union and he couldn’t teach economics anymore because his theories were unpopular) and he moved away from me.

The most awkward part was when the kids and Nicole and I were leaving, apparently the opposition rally disbanded as well and so we were walking back to the car (still carrying our signs) surrounded by these people, and Dillon starts to try to rally a chant “What’s disgusting? Union Busting!”  And he really didn’t find any takers.  I told him to chill out a bit.  He’s a sweet kid but he doesn’t always know his audience.

Wait – my bad – that was the second most awkward part.  The most awkward part was that Dillon pretty much read every sign in the march, and at one point he turns to me after reading a sign about what people should do to the governor, and he asks me “What is teabagging, mom?”  I had physically tried to turn his head so he missed that one, but I just said, “we’re not going to talk about that, it is really inappropriate.”  And amazingly, he dropped it.

Overall, it was really something that I am happy we took the time to do.  And we’ll see how things play out but I might try to go back this week.  It’s an important issue, and while I am not super-hopeful about our chances of success, it is worth fighting for.

The Chalk Hits the Fan


Report cards came home a couple of weeks ago. And some concerns have been surfacing since Rose began first grade that really solidified in the report card. Basically, we need to be doing a lot more work at home with our beautiful child.

Unfortunately, with Rose being on the gymnastics team she wasn’t getting home until after 8pm three nights a week, and her bedtime is at 7:30, so we really weren’t able to squeeze in any reading or math practice on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. She was at the gym more than 10 hours per week (not including meets or performances on weekends). The hard decision was to take a break from the gym for the rest of the school year.

And while I am not happy that we had to go that route, Rose took it really well. I really tried to present it as something we were going to do – spend more time together and read every night – rather than a punishment where we were taking away something she really enjoyed because of school. Since we all know how well that works to engage a kid in their education.

Of course, last night she was doing her floor routine in the living room (as she is prone to do if she hasn’t gone to the gym in a few days) and she asked “Shouldn’t I be at the gym tonight, Mom? It’s Wednesday.” And I had to remind her that we were taking a break, but it occurred to me that the reason she took it really well is because time can be really amorphous for Rose, and I am not sure now that she really understood what the implications of “taking a break from gymnastics until the summer” meant.

Her teacher asked if she could just cut back the hours or whatever, but really if she came home earlier from practice we’d just feed her and try to get her into bed on time. And she wouldn’t really be practicing enough to be on the team, or do well, and those are the things that matter most to her. She really likes her teammates and friends. I think, ultimately, that taking a break and starting back will be easier on her in the long run, because once she catches up with school I think it will all click into place and she’ll be on track and able to handle school night activities.

But in the short term it kind of hurts my feelings to see her working on her routine in the living room, knowing that she misses the gym.