Posts Tagged ‘postaweek2011’

Super Bowl and Quidditch Robes


Quiddich RobesI got over my disappointment with the webertubes and dug through my old patterns. I decided to take the pattern I used for Dillon’s Frodo Halloween Costume (when he was 3) and edited it a bit to turn the middle earth ring bearer into the Griffyndor seeker.  It was fairly challenging, and I spent a lot of time thinking about it prior to commencing the project.

Obviously the first step was to redesign the robe, which is maroon outside and gold inside, hooded, with a Griffyndor patch and a tie-closed front (we’re going with the Sorcerer’s Stone uniform here, they’ve changed over the years).  So I figured out how I’d do the lining (basically make the same robe twice and sew the unfinished sides together), and then sized the whole thing up seven sizes or so as he’s grown a bit since he was three.

I worked on the robes all Sunday, and continued during the Super Bowl (pausing to make and consume some guacamole and a beer in the spirit of the evening).  Rose and Charles sat and watched the first half of the game, eating the rest of the chips and guac and thoroughly enjoying themselves.  After the halftime show, I told Rose she had to go to bed.  She asked, “Is Daddy going to keep watching the game after I go to bed?”  I told her yes.

She asked, “why can’t he pause it and we can finish tomorrow?”   My kids do not understand broadcast television.  We never watch TV on the TV.   We used to watch PBS when they stayed home sick, but these days they are well-versed enough on the PS3 menus for Rose to give her grandma a Netflix tutorial and show her how she could turn on an episode of the Backyardigans.   So I had to explain to her that the TV was going to keep playing the game whether we had it on or not.  (We don’t have any DVR situation so we’re just going to leave it at that for now.)  And she was okay and went to bed.

Here’s a picture of where I stopped with the robes for the evening – I still have to finish the sleeves and attach the hood.  And hopefully the patch I ordered on eBay comes before this party, or I don’t know what I am going to do.

Disappointed by the Internet


Dillon is invited to a Harry Potter-themed birthday where attendees are to dress as their favorite HP character, and despite my entreaties, wants to go as Harry himself. I thought it would be fun to pick someone a little more unknown/less likely to be represented – Cedric Diggory or Oliver Wood or someone – but no, we’re into Harry. But Dillon decided, and it is going to be Harry in Quidditch robes.

No problem, I thought.  I can totally make those.  I love, love, love to make costumes.  To the point where I’ve volunteered with local nonprofit theater companies and my old high school to help out with their productions (pre-grad school, of course).  But it is REALLY off-season for costumes, so when I went to my local fabric store  – of which there are not many in Milwaukee, these days – the patterns are really lacking.   And there is a Lord of the Rings cape that I can probably modify sufficiently, but I am pretty sure I have the pattern already and so I come home empty-handed.  (Noting that it will likely cost me at least $40 for the fabric when I could get the made-in-China version on Amazon for $25.)

And then I think – really, there has to be a pattern online for this.  Harry Potter merch and craft stuff is EVERYWHERE online.  But while I see someone who will make you a custom Quidditch cape for $140, I can’t find any great ideas.  I am kind of bummed out.  Really, I could probably fake it, but the hardest part is knowing how much fabric to buy.  Too much and I spend more than I need (and add to the two giant bins of random extra fabric already in the basement) and too little and it won’t come together correctly.

Now to dig through the bins to see about that old pattern and if there is anything I can do with it.

Got adoption competence?


Rose and I listened to the Problem with the Puddles in the car on the way to Green Bay today.  “Why were you going to Green Bay on a Wednesday?” you might ask.  (I have no idea how to punctuate that sentence.  Someone save me.)  Rose and D both are loosely represented by an agent who asked them to audition for a Superbowl “Got Milk?” ad.  Rose got it.  So we went to have Rose’s picture taken with the Packers quarterback.  He was super nice and lovely with Rose, for the record.  You will only see this ad if the Packers win the big game.  Otherwise it will never appear anywhere.

So.  The Problem with the Puddles. While it is a fun book to listen to (for a young child – I didn’t like it nearly as much as most of the kids’ stories we’ve been driving to in the car these days) and was fairly interesting, I really did not like the way adoption was presented in the story.  I am not generally an over-sensitive person about this issue, and maybe it was just the narrative style, but I felt like the decision made by birth parents to relinquish a child seemed callous and uncaring, and while the adoptive parents were presented as loving their child, they felt like adoption was a secret to be kept.  Generally it was a silly portrayal of adoption in a book that was exceedingly silly, but it still rubbed me the wrong way.

A lot of adoptive parents and adult adoptees get up in arms about the language used and representations of adoption in popular culture.  I am usually not one of the people worrying that the b-list horror movie, Orphan, will freak people out too much to consider adopting a child.  (Spoiler alert: Turns out the girl isn’t actually a girl but some sort of tiny adult psychotic.)  I loved Despicable Me, despite its portrayal of the orphanage as a terrible place and the homestudy process as a breeze where you can pretty much walk in somewhere and walk out with a kid.  It isn’t grocery shopping here, people.

I guess my problem with The Problem… was just that I was sort of taken aback by the overall tone around the adoption theme.  Adoption was a burden.  It was a secret.  It was the opposite of what it has been in my life.   It couldn’t be a secret (not that I would want it to!)  I feel like I am part of what one adoptive parent I know calls a “conspicuous family.”  A lot of people have questions.  (Although, it has been funny that over the last couple years, probably five women that I’ve gotten to know and would now consider friends have said “I didn’t know Rose was adopted!”  So maybe we’re not as conspicuous as I sometimes feel, since my family is all beautiful shades of brown.)   And adoption has been so far from a burden for us.  It has presented a couple of challenges, but every kid has some challenges.  It remains the biggest and best decision Charles and I ever made.  A blessing.

It might be my sensitivity to the issue (like if you’ve ever got a number stuck in your head and you start seeing it everywhere) but really mixed portrayals of adoption pop up constantly in the books I am reading, especially ones I am reading to the kids.  While I am fully aware that you can’t monitor and censor all the stuff your kids read, (see: Dillon learning to read and blowing the lid off the Santa secret) this is one area where I wish I could get a better handle on it.  The book cover said nothing about adoption – it was ostensibly about two dogs that were left behind finding their way back to the family that accidentally drove off without them.  (Hmmm.  Metaphor?  You decide.)

Rose, for the record, didn’t register any objections to the book.  And now, for your viewing pleasure, a rare picture on the blog, but we have to milk our moment of potential fame for all it is worth…

Rose and Rodgers

Rose and Packers QB Aaron Rodgers

Girl Scout Cookies


Hey, Rose still needs to sell 25 boxes of cookies to meet her goal, so if you need some girl scout cookies, let me know!