Okay, so I got my first dumbass comment related to the adoption today. From an older lady, so maybe she doesn’t know any better. But the subject of me adopting a child came up, and this lady makes some comment about how Angelina Jolie adopted a baby from Ethiopia. Now, while I am (of course) aware of that, as one could hardly stand in a supermarket line without knowing all of the intimate details of her life, that really doesn’t relate to my life, or our decision in any way whatsoever.
Yes, you know, I was looking at adopting a kid from West Xylophone, but when I saw that Brad and Angelina got a baby from Ethiopia, I just had to get one of those instead. Like I am picking out a lipstick or purse or something. I don’t know, maybe she was just making small talk. But I would think you could think of something better than that to say…
Ah, well. I feel better now.
Yeah… I’m already warming up a series of responses for this kind of thing. They range from ‘informational’ to ‘indignant’ to ‘super-pissed.’ Hopefully we can stay at the ‘informational’ end of the spectrum.
Either of you could look the inquirer in the eye and say that you’re hoping that Brad Pitt will notice and leave Angie for you.